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Hi there! I'm


I help coaches get clients, change their life in one single session and make this world a better place.

Welcome To Leadership By Heart Coach

All my life I’ve been heart-centered. I always want to lift others up.

But when I grew up and meet people that mistreated others I got so upset and frustrated.

My boss was beating his employees


My boss was beating his employees

This reached a climax when I had a boss that was beating his employees.

I saw how fear was spreading and harming all employees.

I saw how it was harming our families and the whole community.

I set out to change this.

That’s how Leadership by Heart was born.

and then...

… I became a monk…

On my way to finding how to change the world - I took an uncommon path that led me to become a monk for five years.

As a monk, I traveled to India. Later I traveled the world as a musician. Then as a leadership trainer and as a coach.

New Case Study Reveals:

How Hugo got fully booked and a growing waiting list in his first month as a coach

and how you can use the same framework to get clients

without chasing after people and without selling yourself

but then...

One day everything changed…

I was on a beach in Bali, teaching a 10-day Leadership by Heart retreat.

One of the leaders sat me down.

She told me that my teaching was world-class,

and that I needed to train coaches to spread it worldwide.

It felt like she had reached a deep calling in me,

so I said yes and it took off from there.

but then...

636 certified coaches later…

Fast forward a few years I had certified 636 coaches that went on to change people's lives in a profound way.

They all were blown away by the deep spiritual method, but they didn’t get why it worked so well.

That’s when my Master Coach Certification program was born.

In the Master Coach program, I reveal the deeper mechanics of Transformation.

I show my Master Coaches how to live in a state of deep spiritual joy, inner peace, love, and freedom.

The next thing that happened took me by surprise...

Suddenly my Master Coaches started to enroll everyone they spoke to

I had to find out exactly what was the one thing that changed everything for the Master Coaches…

"Yes, I need to work with you"

.. that’s how I discovered Truth Bomb Attraction™.

The key to hearing "Yes, I need to work with you" from almost all potential clients.

I decided to spread this revolutionary method to all Heart-Centred coaches,

so that you can spread your love and change people's lives.

So you can live your dream and help make this planet a heaven on earth.

In just three months, I earned more than the entire previous year combined!

I did not feel seen at work, and dream of running my own business.

In just three months, I earned more than the entire previous year combined.

The most important gift leadership by Heart gave me is the sense of calm, security, and inside me.

- Natasja Chantell

Fort Sumner, NM.– Hugo Martinsen

Meet The Team

Team Name

Job Title Goes Here

Proin sed libero enim sed faucibus turpis in. Risus pretium quam vulputate dignissim suspendisse. Tellus in metus vulputate eu scelerisque felis. Faucibus a

Team Name

Job Title Goes Here

Proin sed libero enim sed faucibus turpis in. Risus pretium quam vulputate dignissim suspendisse. Tellus in metus vulputate eu scelerisque felis. Faucibus a

Team Name

Job Title Goes Here

Proin sed libero enim sed faucibus turpis in. Risus pretium quam vulputate dignissim suspendisse. Tellus in metus vulputate eu scelerisque felis. Faucibus a